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Blogger Website for LIC Agents | Product Code - LICBW001

Blogger Website for LIC Agents | Product Code - LICBW001

Product Type :
(7 customer review)

As you know blogger is a free blogging platform and it is used by millions of people all over the world. Blogger is very easy to use and even if you do not know coding, you can still use Blogger.

This is the reason that with the help of our website Insurance Hand, we are going to provide blogger website to LIC agents to empower their life insurance business. Its biggest advantage is that you do not need to spend any kind of money for themes, hosting, plugins, domains, etc. Apart from this, you do not have any hassle of getting it renewed.





Order Process

Online Presence:

Your website gives you the opportunity to connect with customers 24/7. You are working through your website even when you are in deep sleep. LIC Agent can use the website as a tool to improve his/her Life Insurance Business.

Information and Education:

Through your website, you can provide specific information about Life Insurance Plans to your customers. When this happens, your own customers stay with you for a longer period and there is a possibility of getting New Customers.

Storage and Monitoring:

With the help of a website, you can get the data of New Customers. Eg: His Name, Address, Mobile Number, Email-id, his Life Insurance Policy Number etc.

If you have the Policy Number of your customers, you can find out when your customers will get the Survival Benefit or Maturity Benefit from their Life Insurance Policy? If at this time you contact customers for the sale of Life Insurance Policies, then your chances of success increase a lot.

If you have the contact details of your customers, you can influence them using digital mediums and try to sell Life Insurance Policies by creating a conducive atmosphere.

Trust and Credibility:

A website gives you trust and credibility. When a customer views your website, they can learn more about you and have more confidence in the services you offer.

You can display your achievements, awards received and other types of honors on your website and from time to time you can share the link of this article on your Social Media Platform. By doing this, your customers will grow in trust and confidence in you.

Making Tasks Transparent:

LIC Agent's website makes the agent transparent. You can provide information about yourself and the services you offer on your website. Apart from this, you can also share information about your fees for doing different types of work.

Power of Communication Resource:

LIC agent's website is like a great tool for the agent to communicate with his customers and potential customers. From time to time, you can give information about LIC and other insurance companies on your website, present the information of the Indian financial world or publish articles related to insurance awareness.

Building a Professional Image:

LIC Agent's website builds his professional image. Information about LIC's Schemes, your contact details, your work experience and other things on your website increases the confidence of your customers. The client acknowledges that your work is better than that of other Normal Agents.

Website Platform:

This website is basically being made keeping in mind such LIC Agents who are not in a position to invest much money. As you may know, to create a website, hosting, theme, domain and plugins have to be purchased. Buying all these things can cost at least ₹18,000 to ₹45,000. The expense of renewing it every year after that can be difficult for many Agents.

Most of the LIC Agents do not have knowledge of coding. So writing and publishing articles on the website can be a difficult task for a Normal LIC Agent. Keeping all these things in mind, this website is being created using Google's blogger service. Let us know what is its benefit?

Blogger's Services are Free:

Google's Blogger services are absolutely free and can be availed without spending a single rupee. A huge amount has to be spent to start and renew the website on another platform, while there is no cost of any kind on this platform of Google.

Publishing Articles is Easy:

On any other platform, a normal agent, who does not know coding, cannot write and publish an article. Whereas after the website is created on this platform of Google, a common man can easily write an article and publish it.

Blogger website is secure:

Blogger is Google's service, so Google provides its security here. Now if you are a normal agent, while using other platforms, you will not be able to understand to a great extent whether someone is stealing your website data or not. Although other platforms have this type of security, but for this you have to spend separately every year.

Proprietary Rights:

Since Blogger is a free service, Google has the ownership of Blogger, but you are the owner of your own blog. This is similar to how you get the benefits of Google's Gmail services. Gmail is also Google's service but you are the owner of your own Gmail account.

Today in the Indian market, many mobile applications and websites offer attractive offers for agents. While he prepares and gives a small static website with his sub-domain. In such places, you cannot publish any article or blog post on your own free will.

Whereas after the Blogger website is ready, you can publish a new blog post in it. You can make changes to an old blog post on your own free will and without taking any help. Even you can delete your blog post and if you want you can also delete your blogger website.

Attractive Theme:

In general a site built on Blogger looks pretty uninteresting. We use free themes available in the market to build your website and customize it completely with the help of HMTL, CSS and JavaScript coding. As a result of which you get the look of an attractive website.

The menu and sub-menu bar are created by making appropriate changes in the theme of the website, so that your customers get an attractive experience and your customers can accept your website as a professional website.

Important Pages:

Some pages are very important in any website, such as Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, About Us and Disclaimer

If you order this website to be built for you, then all the above pages are also created in your website.

LIC Plans Information:

Your website will include information on all the schemes given below. Please go through the same carefully before placing the order as no claim will be admissible for the same later.

  • LIC Jeevan Akshay (Plan 857)
  • LIC Bima Jyoti (Plan 860)
  • LIC Bachat Plus (Plan 861)
  • Endowment Plan (Plan 914)
  • LIC's Jeevan Aanand (Plan 915)
  • LIC's Bima Bachat (Plan 916)
  • LIC's Single Premium Endowment Plan (Plan 917)
  • LIC's Money Back Plan (Plan 920)
  • LIC's Money Back Plan (Plan 921)
  • LIC's New Children Money Back Policy (Plan 932)
  • LIC's Jeevan Lakshya (Plan 933)
  • LIC'S Jeevan Tarun (Plan 934)
  • LIC's Jeevan Labh (Plan 936)
  • LIC's Aadhaar Stamp (Plan 943)
  • LIC's Aadhaar Scheme (Plan 944)
  • LIC's Jeevan Umang (Plan 945)
  • LIC's Jeevan Shiromani (Plan 947)

Logo Design:

If you are already using a special logo for yourself, then you can use it in your website by giving your logo. If you are not providing the logo for this website, we will design and use the logo for your website as per our convenience.

If you want to get a custom logo designed for you, you can place an order by paying an additional ₹200.

Lead Generator Form:

Lead generator form (Contact Us) form is very important for your website, so that if any of your customers want to contact you, they can contact you in a convenient way. Therefore, a lead generator form is prepared for you and it is also used on different pages.

Check out this Form!

Your Data:

If this website has to be made for you, then it is very important for us to have some important information about you in order to prepare it. So that using it in your website can be made more attractive and effective. So let us know what information we need to make a website-

  • Your full name
  • Your Company Name
  • Your Job
  • Your Code Number
  • Branch Office Name
  • Branch Office Code Number
  • Your Email-id
  • Password of Your Email-id
  • Your Primary Mobile Number
  • Your Alternate Mobile Number
  • Your Date of Birth
  • Your Full Address
  • Your Social Media Links
  • Your Photo
  • Transaction Slip: Image or PDF file of the transaction of the money deposited by you will have to be given. in order to authenticate your payment.
  • Image of any receipt deposited at your branch office, clearly showing the address of your branch office.

Important Point:

Your website will be built on top of Blogger and Blogger is a service of Google itself, so to create this website of yours, we need your Gmail ID and Password.

We request you to give us the ID and password of any Gmail account that you are not using at your important places. By important places, we mean that you give an ID that is not being used in your Agency, Bank Accounts etc.

However, we notify you with the help of WhatsApp when you login to your Gmail account and also provide information after the task is completed. We request you to change your Gmail password immediately after receiving the notice of completion of work.

Please check that your password is working correctly while entering the password. Because many times there is a loss of time due to giving wrong password. We would suggest that keeping in mind your convenience, create a new Gmail ID and password for this purpose and provide the same ID and password to us.

Place Your Order:

It is very easy to place an order for making a website. We are providing you three mediums to pay money and share important information.

Via Google Form:

Click the "Order Now" button here below. As soon as you click, you will be asked to login to Google account. As soon as you login to Google account, Google Form will open on your device.

Order Now!

In this google form, you will be asked for the information mentioned in the "Requirements" tab and will be given three options to make the payment. If you select the bank transfer option, you will see our bank details. Using which you can make the payment and submit the form by uploading the payment slip.

If you select the QR code option, then you will see our QR code. You can make the payment by scanning that QR code and submit the form by uploading the payment slip.

If you select UPI ID, you will see our UPI ID riteshlicadvisor01@oksbi. You can make the payment using this ID, then upload the payment slip and submit the form.

Note- If you are having difficulty in making the payment while filling the form. Then you just fill the form and submit it by selecting any option. By doing this you will get a pdf file on your email id. In this invoice you will also be given our bank details, UPI ID and QR code.

You can still submit the payment as per your convenience, after receiving your payment we will contact you on your email or your WhatsApp. At that time you can send your payment slip to us.

Via email:

You can also send your order to us through email. To order via email you must first click on the "Download" button below.

Download !

An PDF File will be downloaded to your device as soon as you click on the above button. You will get bank account details, QR code and UPI ID. Pay using a medium of your convenience. After that share your details (name, address, etc.) and payment slip on our email id riteshlicadvisor01@gmail.com.

Note- It must be mentioned in the email that your order is for "blogger website", whose product code is LICBW001.

Via Telegram:

You can also send your order to us through Telegram. To order through Telegram, you must first click on the "Download" button below.

Download !

An PDF File will be downloaded to your device as soon as you click on the above button. You will get bank account details, QR code and UPI ID. Pay using a medium of your convenience. Then share your information (name, address, etc.) and payment slip by clicking on our Telegram ID @riteshlicadvisor.

Note- Please mention in the Telegram message that your order is for "blogger website", whose product code is LICBW001.

Blogger Website for LIC Agents Product Code - LICBW001

price/₹5000size/Blogger Website