I am sure you must have also heard that the person, society, organization or company which does not update itself with time, lags behind its competitors in the race for success. Many times it has also been found that people who have kept their work linked to old methods gradually fall behind so much that in the end they have to leave their work.
Today's modern era is the era of digital world and if you do not update yourself with this digital world then you will definitely see its effect in your business. In the digital world today, many doctors, engineers, lawyers and people associated with other professions are using digital business cards. In such a situation, if the life insurance agent does not update himself, it will not be good.
That is why today Insurance Hand is introducing Digital Business Cards for Agents of Life Insurance Corporation of India. This Digital Business Card is not only cost-effective but also showcases your professional personality. Before we share any more information about this Digital Business Card for LIC Agents, I would ask you to click on the demo button given below and download all the digital business cards one by one.
Now if you have downloaded the digital business card, then open it and check it by clicking on each icon. As soon as you click on the icon of the digital business card, you will find that you will be able to make a call easily as soon as you click on the mobile number. By clicking on the email icon, you will be able to easily send email.
What this means is that all the Digital Business Cards given above take action when clicked. Due to which your customer gets convenience in contacting you and he is also impressed by you. So let us now know in detail about this Digital Business Card.
How to Use
Order Process
I am sure you must be having traditional Visiting Cards or Business Cards with you. This is a very useful and important product for LIC Agents and Development Officers. Because when you contact any new person, you give him your Traditional Business Card. So that if he feels any need related to Life Insurance in future, he can easily contact you.
I think it is not very important to tell about Traditional Business Card or Visiting Card because almost every LIC Agent and every Development Officer is well familiar with it. So let's understand the features of Digital Business Cards.
What is Digital Business Card:
Digital Business Card is a medium with the help of which you can tell your customers in detail about yourself. Your Name, Your Position, Your Mobile Number, Your Email ID, Your website information and Your Complete Address are written in the Digital Business Card.
The specialty of Digital Business Card is that if your customer clicks on Your Mobile Number visible in Your Digital Business Card, he will be able to call you without dialing your number. If he clicks on your email ID, his email application will open in his mobile and he will not need to write your email ID and will be able to easily send the email to you.
Profile links to your social media accounts are provided in the Digital Business Card. If your customer clicks on the social media icons on your Digital Business Card, he can easily access your Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and other social media accounts.
Similarly, if WhatsApp or Telegram options are available in your digital business card, then by clicking on the WhatsApp icon, your customer will be able to easily send WhatsApp messages to you. If he clicks on the Telegram icon in your digital business card, he will be able to easily send you Telegram messages.
Important Thing- If you want to send WhatsApp message or Telegram message to someone, then first of all you have to save that person's mobile number in your mobile. But the Digital Business Card is designed in such a way that when your customer clicks on the number or icon of your WhatsApp or Telegram, he can easily send you a WhatsApp message or Telegram message. Even if he has not saved your number in his mobile.
We would suggest you to download the demo file of Digital Business Card given above and check the points mentioned above.
To properly understand Digital Business Cards, you need to know Traditional Business Cards. While I know you're already familiar with Traditional Business Cards, you still need to know your Traditional Business Cards to understand the benefits of Digital Business Cards.
Disadvantages of Traditional Visiting Cards:
If you use Traditional Visiting Cards, then you always have to make Visiting Cards (Business Cards) at a fixed time interval. Because when you make your Visiting Card, there is a limited number of them and when you distribute all the Visiting Cards, then a New Visiting Card has to be made again.
Another big problem with Visiting Card is that if you make it in more quantity than required, then there is a possibility of it getting damaged over time, getting infested by termites or being cut by rats. If this happens then you have to make a Visiting Card for yourself again.
Suppose you have given your Visiting Card to one of your customers. But it is possible that he may forget your Visiting Card by keeping it in some corner of his house. When he feels the need to buy a Life Insurance Policy and even remembers that you had given him your Visiting Card. But if your customer cannot find your Visiting Card then he will not be able to contact you even if he wants to.
Suppose one day you forget to take your Traditional Visiting Card while leaving for work and coincidentally on the same day you meet a customer who can buy a larger amout Insurance Policy from you. Imagine that your customer is in a hurry and says that he does not have time, please give him your Visiting Card. He says that he want to buy an insurance policy to save tax. he will call you at the evening time. What will you do in such a situation?
If you say that you have forgotten your Visiting Card at home, will your customer not think that a person who cannot handle his Visiting Card, how will he handle my money for 15 to 20 years? This means that if this happens, your professional image may get spoiled.
Do you agree with me? If you agree with us then surely this question must be arising in your mind that what can be the solution to the Traditional Visiting Card? So the answer is that the solution to Traditional Visiting Cards is Digital Business Cards. Let us know it in detail.
Benefits of Digital Business Cards:
You order a Digital Business Card to be made only once. When your Digital Business Card is created, you can save it in Google Drive and convert it as a link and use it.
What this means is that once you order a Digital Business Card for yourself, you can use it lifelong. This means that you do not need to spend again and again like Traditional Visiting Cards.
There is always a risk of Traditional Visiting Cards getting damaged by termites or rats. Whereas Digital Business Card remains completely safe from all such threats.
If you give your Traditional Visiting Card to any of your customers, but if that customer loses your visiting card or forgets it by keeping it in some corner of his house, then he will not be able to contact you even if he wants to when needed. Whereas this will not happen with Digital Business Card.
Because you keep sharing the link of your Digital Business Card to your customers in your messages on WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook etc. That means whenever a person feels the need of your Digital Business Card, he can easily get your card.
Your Traditional Visiting Card cannot be shared by your customer with others. Whereas your Digital Business Card can be passed on to other people knowingly or unknowingly by your customer. How it possible this is explained in detail in the "How to use" tab.
The Digital Business Card is saved in your Google Drive, so every day while going from home to work, you do not need to remember whether you have kept your Visiting Card with you or not. If someone on the way asks you for your Visiting Card, then you can easily share the link of your Digital Business Card with that person.
If we look at the Digital Business Card from a general perspective, it appears to be a digital version of the Traditional Visiting Card and is nothing more than performing different actions by clicking on it. But if it is used with good strategy, then with the help of Digital Business Card alone, New Customers can be acquired and LIC Development Officers can get New Agents for themselves.
Now it is natural for this question to arise in your mind that how can New Customers be acquired with the help of Digital Business Cards. So I will answer this in some time, first let us understand how we can use the Digital Business Card of LIC Business?
How to use Digital Business Cards:
In fact, a Digital Business Card is a PDF file that is converted into a link to share on different social media accounts. That is to say, if you want, you can share your Digital Business Card directly to the customer as a PDF file or can also share it as a link.
If you are an Agent of LIC and want to grow your business through Digital Business Card. So you should share the Digital Business Card as a link on social media only. This method is more professional. But if you just share the link of your Digital Business Card, there will be no special benefit from it. To get better benefits, you should write an attractive message on your social media account and add the link of your card to it and share it.
Get New Customers with the help of Digital Business Cards:
If you want to get new agents or new customer with the help of Digital Business Cards, then you will have to take the help of attractive images, articles, videos, infographics. Suppose you write an attractive article on Facebook and in that article you are successful in convincing people why life insurance is necessary for their children. So surely some people would like to contact you to know about Life Insurance Policy.
In such a situation, they will need to be able to contact you. Now if you add the link of your Digital Business Card and share it in that article, then people who want to understand Life Insurance Policy will be able to contact you easily.
Reach More People with Digital Business Cards:
If you want to reach more and more people, then you should publish such articles, videos etc. for your social media, which people will like more. You should add the link of your Digital Business Card in this article.
Your article can be related to LIC and can also be related to other general information. You just have to keep in mind that your article should be such that people cannot stop themselves from sharing that article with their friends. You should add the link to your Digital Business Card in this article.
When this happens, people will automatically share your article with their friends. Due to which your Digital Business Card will also reach other people. Since your Digital Business Card contains your contact details, then if anyone needs information about LIC Plans or support in LIC Policies, they can contact you.
If your Digital Business Card contains links to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Linked-in and Instagram, your chances of increasing your social media friends increase. Which can turn into your future customers.
Creating a Professional Image with Digital Business Cards:
You might have found that most of your customers in your work area will be familiar with Normal Visiting Cards only. In such a situation, if they see your Digital Business Card and click on it to check it, they are quite impressed.
People who have only seen the Normal Visiting Cards of other agents, when they see your Digital Business Card, they feel that you are a Great and Professional Agent. This proves to be great for the future of your business.
I hope you have got all the information about Digital Business Cards. So If you want to order this Digital Business Card to improve your LIC Business, then now it is very important for you to know what information you will tell us about yourself?
If you place an order for making a Digital Business Card, then first of all you have to decide which Digital Business Card you want to order and what is the product code of the Digital Business card you want to order?
Once you have noted down the Product Code of your Digital Business Card, be sure to check what information is given on that Digital Business Card. For example, if a Mobile Number is given in your favorite Digital Business card, then you will have to provide your Mobile Number. If your preferred Digital Business Card does not have an address, you do not have to provide your address.
Since Digital Business Cards are prepared in PDF format, if you want, you can get this PDF file and convert it as a link yourself. But if you cannot convert this PDF file into link yourself then you can ask us to convert it into link form.
However, to do this you will have to provide the ID and password of your Gmail account. If you want to share your Gmail ID or password, then we would suggest that you give us only such account information which is not being used in your Bank, LIC or other important places. It would be better to create a new Gmail ID for this purpose and share its ID and password. Doing this will be safe for you and us.
Let us know what information about yourself you will have to give us to order your Digital Business Card.
- Your Name:
- Your Professional Photo:
- Your Position:
- Your Code Number:
- Your Company Name:
- Name of Your Branch Office:
- Your Mobile Number:
- Your Alternate Mobile Number:
- Product Code:
- Your Email ID: (which will be displayed on your Digital Business Card)
- Your Website Link: (If it is then you will give it, if not then you will leave it)
- Your Lead Generator Form Link: (If you have then you will give, if not then you will leave)
- Your Complete Address: (If you have created your office then give your office address and if you have not created your office then write your home address)
- Your Google Business Account Link: (If you have a Google Business Account then provide the link otherwise leave it)
- Agent Locator Profile Link: (Give if you have otherwise skip)
- Facebook Profile Link: (Give if you have otherwise skip)
- Twitter Profile Link: (Give if you have otherwise skip)
- Linked-in Profile Link: (Give if you have otherwise skip)
- YouTube Profile Link: (Give if you have otherwise skip)
- Instagram Profile Link: (Give if you have otherwise skip)
- WhatsApp Profile Link: (Give if you have otherwise skip)
- Telegram Profile Link: (Give if you have otherwise skip)
- Gmail ID and Password: (Enter if you want to receive your Digital Business Card as a link, otherwise leave it)
- Payment Proof:
If you are not able to find the link to the profile of your Social Media Account, then you should not worry. After receiving your order we will contact you on your WhatsApp, at that time we will share the link with you on our social media accounts. You have to friend request us. By doing this we will reach your social media account and get your social media profile link.
Now comes the turn for you to place an order with us for making a Digital Business Card. There are two important steps to ordering. In the first step, you have to pay the amount for your Digital Business Card and in the second step, you have to share all the information about yourself, which is necessary to create your Digital Business Card and which is mentioned in the “Requirements” tab. Let us know the process of these two stages in detail-
First Step:
To pay the cost of the Digital Business Card, you can make the payment using any of the three methods. This method is- by transferring money from bank account, transferring money through UPI ID and scanning the QR code.
Pay through Bank Account:
If you want to pay the cost of Digital Business Card through a bank account, then in which account you have to pay the money. Its information is being given below.
- Account Holder Name: Ritesh Kumar Upadhyay
- Bank Name: State Bank of India
- Account Number: 30397251685
- IFSC Code: SBIN0007485
Pay through UPI ID:
If you want to pay the cost of Digital Business Card through UPI ID then our UPI ID is riteshlicadvisor01@oksbi. You can make payment using this ID.
Pay by Scanning QR Code:
If you want to make Digital Business Card payment by scanning the QR code then you should click on the button below. As soon as you do this, you will start seeing our QR code. Now you scan it and make payment.
Scan QR CodeNote: Once the payment is made, download the payment slip in your mobile and keep it safe until your order is completed. You will have to send this slip to us for payment proof.
Second Step:
After paying for the Digital Business Card, now you have to share with us all the information which is required to create your Digital Business Card. You can tell us about yourself through three mediums. That is– by filling the form, through email or through Telegram.
Fill out the Form and tell us about Yourself:
If you want to give information about yourself by filling the form, then you will have to click on the button given below. After doing this you will be asked to login with your Google account. After login, a form will open in your mobile.
Fill out the Form !In this form you will see all the questions which are explained in detail in the “Requirements” tab. You should fill the answers to all the questions carefully so that no mistakes are made. Carefully select the Product Code of your preferred Digital Business Card in the form and upload the payment slip. As soon as you do this, your order is considered complete.
Tell us About Yourself through Email ID:
If you want to order Digital Business Card through email ID then you should click on the button given below. By doing this the PDF file will be downloaded in your mobile. This PDF file explains in detail how you can tell us about yourself through your email ID.
Download PDF File !If for some reason you are not able to download the PDF file then you will have to give information about yourself on riteshlicadvisor01@gmail.com. In the subject section of the email, write "Order Product Code for Digital Business Card - (code of your card)".
Now you have to answer the questions asked in the “Requirements” tab. After this, attach the payment slip to the email and send it to us. As soon as you do this, your order is considered complete.
Tell us About Yourself through Telegram:
If you want to order a Digital Business Card through Telegram then you should click on the button given below. By doing this the PDF file will be downloaded in your mobile. This PDF file explains in detail how you can tell us about yourself through Telegram.
Download PDF File !If for some reason you are not able to download the PDF file then you should click on the button given below, by doing this your Telegram application will open in your mobile and you will reach our Telegram.
Now we will have to send the answers to the questions asked in the “Requirements” tab one by one. After this, finally send the payment slip of your Digital Business Card and write its Product Code. In this way also your order is considered complete.
Note: We would suggest you to read the “Order Processing & Terms” once you place your order. So that all types of disputes can be avoided in future.
My Telegram